Turkey is becoming popular tourist destination with some unique attractions. For this reason number of tourists is increasing every year. Even people with different tastes can go to Turkey for tourism. There are meuseums for archeology loving people. Some of famous Meseums are Basilica of Hagia Sophia (Holy Wisdom), now called the Ayasofya Museum. The Museum of the Ancient Orient have artifacts of Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Hatti and Hittite civilizations. Rumeli Hisan is another meuseum and it was built by Mehmet who 1452. This was Completed in only four months. This is indeed a beautiful meuseum. Turkey tourism is very popular espacially for tourists in Europe as it is a nearby destination and they can go there by train too and enjoy the landscape. There are also lots of Hotels for Accommodation in all over Turkey and all over its big cities. There is another Meuseum St. Irene Museum which was a church. The City Museum is located in the gardens of the Yildiz Palace. This place has the documents and the history of Istanbul since the Ottoman conquest. For US citizens a visa of turkey can be obtained from Turkish embassy in the United states or while entry in Turkey. Same is the rules for Canadian Citizens. Usually this visa is valid for 3 months. Make sure you check the turkish embassy site for latest rules because visa rules can change over the time.